Emergencies never happen at a good time. If an emergency occurred at your home while you are away at work, or vacation, or just out for the day and the police department or fire department had to get in touch with you, would that be possible? You may have given emergency contact numbers to your neighbor and that is always a good idea. We would like to offer another choice.
The Landover Hills Police Department can put your emergency contact information into our report management system. This is the same system that
we keep emergency contact information for businesses in the Town of Landover Hills. This information is not shared with anyone. It is an address database that can only be accessed by the Landover Hills Police Department.
If you would like us to include emergency contact numbers and/or emergency contacts for your address, please fill out the Emergency Contact Form, save it and email it as an attachment to [email protected]. You can also print it and mail or drop it off at the Landover Hills Police Department, 6904 Taylor St, Landover Hills, MD 20784.
Download and Print Emergency Contact Form