Article I - General Corporate Powers
Sec. 101 - Corporate Name
Article II - Corporate Limits
Sec. 201 - To Be Filed In Certain Places
Sec. 202 - Corporate Boundaries
Sec. 203 - Corporate Boundary Extensions; Annexations
Sec. 204 - Ward Boundary Description
Article III - Mayor and Council
Sec. 301 - Composition
Sec. 302 - Election, Term of Office
Sec. 303 - Qualifications
Sec. 304 - Remuneration
Sec. 305 - Powers and Duties
Sec. 306 - Vacancies
Sec. 307 - Removal from Office
Sec. 308 - Procedure of the Council
Sec. 309 - QuorumSec. 310 - Meetings
Sec. 311 - Vice Mayor
Sec. 312 - Ordinances; Passage, Publication and Filing
Article IV - Administration
Sec. 401 - Authorization of Officers and Departments; Appointments
Sec. 402 - Town Manager
Sec. 403 - Town Clerk
Sec. 404 - Town Attorney
Sec. 405 - Authority to Employ Personne
Sec. 406 - Retirement System
Sec. 407 - Compensation of Employees
Sec. 408 - Employee Benefit Programs
Sec. 409 - Legal Defense of Town Officials and Employees
Sec. 410 - Establishment of a Merit System
Article V - General Powers
Sec. 501 - General Powers
Sec. 502 - Specific Powers
Sec. 503 - Exercise of Powers
Sec. 504 - Enforcement and Penalties
Sec. 505 - Municipal Infractions
Article VI - Registration, Nomination, and Elections
Sec. 601 - Vote
Sec. 602 - Authorization of Officers and Departments; Appointments
Sec. 603 - Election Judges and Notice of Election
Sec. 604 - Voter Registration
Sec. 605 - Appeal
Sec. 606 - Nomination Petitions
Sec. 607 - Election of the Mayor and Councilmembers
Sec. 608 - Conduct of Elections
Sec. 609 - Absentee Ballots
Sec. 610 - Special Elections
Sec. 611 - Vote Coun
Sec. 612 - Preservation of Tally Sheets and Ballots
Sec. 613 - Regulation and Control; Runoff Elections
Sec. 614 - Penalties
Article VII - Finance
Sec. 701 - Treasurer
Sec. 702 - Powers and Duties of the Treasurer
Sec. 703 - Bond of Treasurer
Sec. 704 - Budget
Sec. 705 - Budget Adoption
Sec. 706 - Transfer of Funds
Sec. 707 - Appropriations
Sec. 708 - Over-Expenditure Forbidden
Sec. 709 - Appropriations Lapse After One Year
Sec. 710 - Checks
Sec. 711 - Taxable Property
Sec. 712 - Amount of Tax Levy
Sec. 713 - Notice of Tax Levy
Sec. 714 - When Taxes Are Overdue
Sec. 715 - Sale of Tax-Delinquent Property
Sec. 716 - Fees
Sec. 717 - Audit
Sec. 718 - Tax Anticipation Borrowing
Sec. 719 - Authorization to Borrow Money
Sec. 720 - Payment of Indebtedness
Sec. 721 - Previous Issues
Sec. 722 - Purchasing and Contracts
Article VIII - Public Ways and Sidewalks
Sec. 801 - Definition of Public Ways
Sec. 802 - Control of Public Ways
Sec. 803 - Public Ways; Power
Sec. 804 - Sidewalks; Powers
Sec. 805 - Placing Structures in Public Ways
Sec. 806 - Town's Powers as to Franchises
Article IX - Special Assesments
Sec. 901 - Powers; Special Assesments
Sec. 902 - Procedures
Article X - Town Property
Sec. 1001 - Acquisition, Possession and Disposal
Sec. 1002 - Condemnation
Sec. 1003 - Town Buildings
Sec. 1004 - Protection of Town Property
Article XI - General Provisions
Sec. 1101 - Oath of Office
Sec. 1102 - Official Surety Bonds
Sec. 1103 - Prior Rights and Obligations
Sec. 1104 - Effect of Charter on Existing Ordinances
Sec. 1105 - Gender
Sec. 1106 - Seperability
Sec. 1107 - Ethical Restrictions